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Chronic Pain & Injuries

Many people have learned to live with chronic aches and pains or repetitive injuries. When musculoskeletal issues are not resolved they create more imbalances over time, as the body tries to accomodate them.

What Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Can Do

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs work by increasing the local Qi and Blood circulation, clearing Heat (inflammation), and strengthening vitalty to speed tissue healing. Patients typically experience deeper sleep, greater peace and relaxation, followed by a steady alleviation of symptoms. The amount of treatments to experience symptom relief varies greatly depending on severity, how longstanding the condition is, and the lifestyle of the patient.

Treatment Plan

For acute injures, acupuncture treatments should be spaced every other day or twice a week. For chronic injuries and pain, weekly acupuncture treatments are recommended. Once the patient feels relief of symptoms, treatments are spaced further and further apart. Chinese herbs, in the form of pills, powder, or raw herb tea are recommended in conjunction with acupuncture treatments to speed healing.

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